
Friday 1 July 2011

Draw Tool Bar III

Rectangle---keyboard command REC(enter)
   Let me start directly without wasting any more words cause this is really cool tool and a really a star marked tool.
Steps to use the tool:-(Default)
  • Specify first corner point or [Base/ Height/ Centre/ chaMfer/ Fillet] 
  • Specify other corner point
If B (enter),
Data required to use this is Base midpoint. You need the midpoint of the base of rectangle and u can use it.
  • Specify base midpoint
  • Specify other corner point
If H (enter),
Same as above you require Height midpoint nothing else.
  • Specify height midpoint
  • Specify other corner point
If C (enter),
If you have the rectangle center point then you can go for it,
  • Specify centre
  • Specify other corner point
Now its time to explain you something about Chamfer & Fillet,
     Chamfer                  Fillet

The first figure you are watching is Chamfered  Rectangle and next to it is Filleted Rectangle. Its is not for drawing purpose, it is used dur to some engineering fitness of the product, and you see the filleted rectangle is much more beautiful that the normal one. You now look towards your CPU, Printers or Lappy corners What do you find ? Fillet. I hope you can now guess the use of Fillet. Although use Chamfer is limited now a days. 
If M (enter), (chaMfer):-
  • Enter option [Existing/ Setup]
If S(enter) a Setup dialogue box opens which asks the data required, it requires any two sets of data.
  • Specify first chamfer distance
  • Specify second chamfer distance
  • Specify second chamfer distance
  • Specify chamfer angle
If F (enter),
  • Enter option [Existing/ Setup]
If S (enter) a Setup dialogue box opens which asks the data required
  • Specify fillet radius                  

Thursday 30 June 2011

Draw Tool Bar II

Polyline---keyboard command PL (enter)
             There is another thing to be explained. Let me take an example let us say Rectangle. If I give you to draw a rectangle, you can do it in any of the two ways, either you will use Line tool or directly use Rectangle tool. But there is difference too, if you draw using LINE each side of rectangle will behave as different entities, but if you draw using Rectangle tool it will behave as a single object or single entity.The same thing is also with POLYLINE tool. It allows you to draw lines, arcs but when these are drawn in contiguous manner they behave as single entity.
Steps to use this tool:-

  • Specify start point
  • Specify next point or [Arc/ Halfwidth/ Length/ Undo/ Width]
Steps to use the sub-options:-

If 'A',
  • Specify end point of arc
                       HalfWidth                                   Width
If 'H' or 'W',
First let me clear what is Halfwidth and width.
For Halfwidth:
  • Specify starting Halfwidth (A)
  • Specify ending Halfwidth (B)
  • Specify next point
For Width:
  • Specify starting Width (A)
  • Specify ending Width (B)
  • Specify next point
It depends your wish or your requirement or your experience which one to use.
Polygon---keyboard command POL(enter)
                   Here there is nothing to discuss seriously, its all known to you and it means the same as the title. So I will give you the steps :-
Steps to use the tool:-
  • Enter number of sides
  • Specify center of polygon or [Edge] (if you have the centre point then specify it else specify edge                                                                  length)
  • Enter an option [Inscribed in circle / Circumscribed about circle]
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Draw Tool Bar I

Draw Tool Bar

It some how looks like this ........

Let us start our ride from first tool called..........called..............
LINE----Keyboard command L(enter)
Drop down tutorial of LINE

 Steps to use the tool:-
  • Specify start point
  • Specify next point
  • Specify next point ....and so on.

Quadrilateral ABCD

There are 3 ways to draw.

Let us consider a drawing of a Quadrilateral ABCD with coordinates of A( X1,Y1), B( X2,Y2), C( X3,Y3) & D(X4,Y4).

Absolute Co-Ordinate System
Steps to draw using this system:-
Syntax:- (X Coordinate), (Coordinate) (enter)
Hint: Here, we enter every point only by considering origin at 0,0

  • A:- X1, Y1 (enter)
  • B:- X2, Y2 (enter)
  • C:- X3, Y3 (enter)
  • D:- X4, Y4 (enter)
  • A:- X1, Y1 (enter) 

Relative Rectangle System
Syntax:- @(Coordinate), (Coordinate) (enter)
Hint:- Here, we enter the first coordinate as usual in Absolute manner and other coordinates are entered
           considering the previous point as origin.
Polar Co-Ordinate System
Syntax:- @(Distance between points)<(Angle between points)
Hint:- Here, we enter the first coordinate as usual in absolute manner and other coordinates are entered
           considering the previous point as origin.
Here you must be thinking why I haven't written the steps for last two types of system. This because I didn't have sufficient data for that. And There is no hard and first rules to use any one type system throughout, you must use the system according to the data you are having and off course according to your experience.

Construction Line---Keyboard command XL(enter)

                    Construction line which is also known as Infinite line and also called reference line. Its Infinite because you can't find its endpoint and its reference line because it is generally used as guide line, like X and Y axis, but we already have X and Y axis in the CAD software, not to worry my friends Experience will teach you what, when and how to use.

                  As I have said before AutoCAD is vast software its vastness is due to its features and user-friendliness. Here in this software every tool has a default option to be used and some motre sub-option too. For Example :- You have to draw a rectangle and you have got its area and height, so you don't have to browse your finger on Calculator to get the length, AutoCAD is giving you all those option to be used when required. 
For Example :- Specify other Corner point or [ Area / Dimension / Rotation ]
In Above example, 'Specify other corner point' is the default option and '[ Area / Dimension / Rotation ]' are the other sub-option. And to use these option You have to just type the Capital letter shown in the option name its generally the first letter and hit enter. Like A (enter) for 'Area'.

Steps to use this tool:-

  • Specify a point or [Hor/ Ver/ Ang/ Bisect/ Offset]
  • Specify through point
Steps to use the sub-option:-

If 'H' (enter), for Hor (Horizontal)
  • Specify through point
If 'V' (enter), for Ver (Vertical)
  • Specify through point
If 'A' (enter), for Ang (angle)
  • Enter angle of xline or [Refrence]
  • Specify through point
If 'B' (enter), for Bisect (it is used to draw a xline by bisecting an angle )
  • Specify angle vertex point
  • Specify angle start point
  • specify angle end point
If 'O' (enter), for Offset (offset means to draw a line maintaining a specific value of distance from the given  
  • Specify offset distance
  • Select a line object (it accepts only line)
  • specify side to offset (it asks which side you want the offset)
More tools are their to be discussed in Draw Tool Bar II
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Introduction to AutoCAD

                    Firstly, CAD stands for Computer Aided Design & Drafting. And it is termed as AUTO-cad because of its company named Autodesk, Inc. But my blogs name is AutoCAD Mechnaical, Yes first we will know about AutoCAD then we will flyover to Mechanical part. It is a non-parametric & low-end software which means simply Non-Editable. Another Low-end software name is also in my mind that is MasterCAM.
And high end software is just anonymous of low-end, and some examples are CATIA, Pro-E, Autodesk Inventor ... etc. I want to share a practical fact that AutoCAD is vast software with a tons-of-tons of functions and options and sub-options, its vastness is due to its way of development. This single software is developed by a lot of developers. Each developer gives there own views to develop the software and to make it more user friendly. According to my experience this Software can be learnt without the help of anybody else. But I'm just here to help you up with an extra flavor of  Experience and nothing and off course with its practical use.

AutoCAD icon

Let me show you the icon, isn't it dynamic ?  The icon shown to the left side of the screen is AutoCAD icon, and the icon of its mechanical version is just same with a 'M' at the right side of the bottom black band.
Home View of AutoCAD Mechanical

Okay now let us have a look to its home screen.

How to download Auto CAD or any Autodesk Software ?

  1. Go to
  2. Register yourself and choose your college.
  3. Now choose a software you want from Free Products.